Here comes Spring!
Grettings Fine Residents, just a few announcements regarding our front gate, the community website and the Annual Spring Celebration. We’d like to give a huge thank you to Joe Hartley for leading the charge on the gate repairs! It was a lot of work from three contractors to determine the problem, plan a solution, and integrate a new power service line running across to the gate arm pedestal! Thanks again, Joe!
The Spring Celebration will enter the planning stages in the coming 3-4 weeks. If you haven’t come out to the celebration in the past, it’s an amazing time in beautiful weather. We have a bouncy house for the kids, snow cones, a 700-egg Easter egg hunt (older and younger kids), and games for the kids and the adults! If you have any suggestions for additions and/or would like to volunteer, just let us know! You can send us an email 🙂
The newest version of our website has been launched! A big thank you to our Webmaster, Brian Wiggins, for dedicating his time and energy to creating this new format! The password-protected areas of the website :
- Community Directory
- Deed Restrictions
- TRCC Guidelines & Policies
- Board Meeting Minutes
are secured with a universal password, which will be updated periodically. An email has been sent out with the password to all residents. Please remember the password is case-sensitive.
Contact us if you encounter any issues logging in.
Thank you,
The RACC Board