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December 2022 Project Updates

December 2022 Project Updates

Dec 2, 2022 | Updates


This is the tenth update of 2022.

We skipped November because of the annual meeting and there was no update in January. These are the projects on which we are working.

Board elections – Our annual elections were held in November and our new board members are Patricia Thibodeaux (replacement to permanent), Phillip Alexander, and Rick Fisher. Thank you to Sherry Martin and Ross Walton for their commitment and fine service for the last several years. We will have board positions and duty assignments in the January update.

Underbrush along Louetta Rd. – We have contacted Precinct 3 (the agency that maintains the roads in our community) and they are staking the boundary line to tell us what portion of this area is theirs is to maintain, and what is ours. Hopefully, this information will be in by the first week of December. Once we get that, the board will be surveying residents to see what they want to do about clearing/not clearing underbrush. Stay tuned.

Well pump station – We had a major well leak discovered on November 9th and for that reason we shut down the well pump. That meant no more watering or lake filling. This was an unexpected repair but we are happy to report that the problem has been resolved and we are continuing our lake filling process. We have put our sprinklers on a 50% watering schedule for now.

Armadillo removal – Multiple residents reported armadillos rooting in their yards and so we called a removal service to take care of the problem. Traps were set beginning on November 7th and we were able to trap a number of the critters (5 armadillos and 2 possum). They have been relocated to a reserved area in Montgomery County.

Landscaping beautification – Ruth and Nelson Jones have removed several of the dead plants at the entrance of the subdivision. The landscaping committee will be looking at further beautification outside the gates for the spring. Our cracker jack design team is already starting to put together some ideas. Stay tuned.

Lake clean-up – A big thank you to the 15 volunteers that helped us clean out the lake on November 5th. We ended up taking out 40 large trash bags filled with branches and pine needles. We should be good until next Fall. The lake has been refilled and is at capacity.

Pool house painting – We have received three estimates to re-paint the pool house and the surrounding wrought iron fence. The board will be weighing these options to decide what we want to do with this project since it was an unplanned expense.

Pool re-surfacing – If you have been to our pool, you have probably noticed a significant chemical stain on the bottom. This has been there for years and is not covered under the warranty we had for re-surfacing ten years ago. This is another unexpected expense and we will likely put this project off until we can plan and allocate funds to pay for this in a couple of years. In the meantime, the pool bottom is perfectly fine and functional – it just doesn’t look that great, especially in the kiddie play area.

Deed restriction stickers – The board is looking at getting some deed restriction stickers printed so we can give resident reminders for various violations. Now that we no longer are using a property management group, it is incumbent upon our board to handle this in-house. We figured that stickers and a recording log might be the best way to manage this. More on this when the process has been finalized.

Street signs – We have 23 street signs throughout our subdivision (counting the two at the entrance on Telge). Many are faded to the point of not being readable. We are looking at options for replacement and getting costs. The replacement will likely be done by volunteers within the community, so we are doing our best to get the best design and price possible before we make a move on this. Stay tuned.

Community Survey Program – We will be coming out to everyone with a general survey in December. The objective of this outreach is to understand what is important to you when it comes to our community in the coming years. We’d kindly ask if you could fill it out and return it as your thoughts and answers are valuable to what we focus on. The survey format will be digital (most likely email), but by request we can hand-delivery paper format as well.

Holiday Decorations – This coming Saturday we will be readying our community for the Christmas holiday! If you have some time on your hands or would like to get the kids out of the house, please join us at the front gates at 9am on the 3rd of December (Sat). We will be putting up lights and garland for all to see. A big thank you to Ruth Jones, Kathy Fisher, and Reyna Willand for getting us off to a very good start with the wreaths!


To communicate with the Board, do one of the following: 1) Send an Email to the member with the duty responsibility you are inquiring about, and he/she should reply within days. 2) Use the website blog to discuss issues and ask questions. 3) Email directly to the Board member with the duty responsibilities you have questions or comments about.