Status of the Community Directory

Community Directory

We are finalizing the update to the neighborhood directory which was started last year.

We realize that a lot might have changed since then, so we wanted to give you an opportunity to update your information if need be.

Many of us no longer have landline phones, so we’re listing at least one cell number per household.


Why a directory?

We have a great community here at the Reserve and we are encouraging everyone to get to know their neighbors. There are many reasons for knowing your neighbors, besides just being friendly. SAFETY is a big one. Your neighbor could alert you to certain situations such as fires, broken water lines, possible unknown “visitors” or just checking on your welfare, to mention a few. A directory would also be helpful to our new residents as well.

This directory will not be printed or published in any other format or media except on our exclusive website. It will be posted in an area on the site that will be password protected so that only our residents will be able to access it.

If you responded to the first “call” for information and have no changes, then you need not reply.

If you have any changes or would like to add your information, BY SATURDAY, MARCH 6th, please email the following to the board at [email protected] :

NAME/S: first & last (John & Jane Doe) ADDRESS, and PHONE/S:
(ex. John 281-344-4444,
281-444-3333 or one number)

Or use the Form below!

Oh, and if you have your own business and would like to list it as well, please
include this in your email. What a great way for all of us to support our local businesses!


Community Directory Form

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