March 2023 Project Updates

2023 HOA-Board

This is the third update of 2023. Here we go.

Tree trimming – Our volunteer tree trimming day was a huge success! We had about 15 people out
there trimming, hauling and cutting up our trees. We were able to get to all trees around the lake and
down the walking trail. Thank you to all that helped. Three hours of hard work saved us a lot of money.

Tree removal – All of the dead trees identified as a hazard along Louetta Rd. have been cut down and
removed. Additionally, the “Frankentree” that used to be inside the entrance wall is gone. We still have
workers cleaning up the Louetta Rd. easement and we’ve made huge progress in thinning out the tree
clump at the corner of Telge & Louetta. Interesting things that have been removed from the corner
include; a bathtub, several 10’ lengths of 6” PVC drainage pipe, numerous pieces of rebar, industrial
cables, miscellaneous signage, railroad ties, plastic bottles and various amounts of trash. And we’re not
done yet!

Street signs – Our street signs have been proofed and ordered. They will be shipped to us soon and we
will begin the process of installation. Look for that to be completed by the end of March.

Landscaping – We have a design plan completed by our landscaping committee to add more plants and
flowers to the front of the complex along Telge Rd. Nurseries are now opening and we will be able to get
prices for plants and flowers. Look for another community volunteer workday in March so we can get
our installation complete.

Pool House Re-painting – The pool committee has been working hard to get a competitive quote to repaint the pool house, the pool gate and the interior bathrooms. That decision should be made within
the next week and then it is just a matter of time before the contractor comes out to complete the
work. It will be done before we open the pool in April.

Social Events – The social committee has been busy planning our agenda which includes a few new
events. Specific dates have not been set for all activities but this is what we will be doing:

  •  April 1st - Spring Celebration
  •  April 29th – Community Garage Sale (same date as The Settlement & Stable Gate)
  • June 24th – Lemonade Wars

To communicate with the Board, do one of the following: 1) Send an Email to the member with the duty responsibility you are inquiring about, and he/she should reply within days. 2) Use the website blog to discuss issues and ask questions. 3) Email directly to the Board member with the duty responsibilities you have questions or comments about.

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