November 2023 Project Updates

HOA Board 2022/2023


This is the eleventh project update of 2023.

Elections – There are currently two board members up for re-election to the board; Michael Hearn and
Joe Hartley. No other community members have expressed an interest to run for the board. The election will take place at the annual meeting on November 7th. We must have a quorum of residents to
submit a proxy vote and/or attend the annual meeting in person to make the election official. Please
attend if you can.

Deed Restrictions – We have completed the revisions of the deed restriction document and will be
presenting highlights of the changes at the annual public meeting on Nov. 7th at 7 pm at the pool. Our
timeline for completing the project, which includes legal review, resident approval and filing the new
document with the county, is still on target for the end of January, 2024.

Lake – Despite significant efforts to stop/reduce seepage out of the lake, we are still losing water at an
abnormally high rate. The board is strongly considering another water mitigation process to help reduce
the seepage out of the lake. This is a process that includes adding a chemical additive to the lake called
ESS-13. ESS-13 is a liquid polymer emulsion that reduces the hydraulic conductivity of soils beyond their
natural capability by filling voids in the lake bottom. There will be more discussion about this at the
annual meeting.

Street Lights – Our current street light configuration includes standard commercial bulb illumination,
which is maintained by Center Point Energy. We have signed a consent waiver to have our bulbs
transitioned to LED style lighting. This will be a savings on our electrical bill and will increase nighttime
lighting on our streets. Work should be completed by mid-2024.

There has also been discussion about a lighting system being added to the common area walkways
throughout the neighborhood. The board is still researching this and considering options.
The Reserve at Cypress Creek
Project Update
Email: [email protected]
November 2023

Website – We will be launching the 2.0 version of our website soon. Look for an improved layout, look
and new information.

Landscaping – We are beginning the winter season so landscaping duties are designed to simply
maintain our vegetation and manage any unforeseen problems. Volunteers are continuing to trim trees,
weed eat common areas and maintain the well pumping station.

The sidewalk slated for installation between the subdivision entrance and Louetta Rd. is still progressing.
We are expecting this project to be completed by M.U.D. #5 by the end of the year. There is no cost to
our community for this project.

Fencing along Louetta Rd. – The private fencing along Louetta Rd. continues to deteriorate and in many
places is falling down. The board is responsible for maintaining two cul de sac sections, one at the end
of Wendover Creek Ct. and the other at the north end of Stoneridge Park Ln. We have secured bids for
getting the work done on these two sections of fence and we are meeting with the thirteen residents
that back to Louetta Rd. to get their input on a common style of fence. There will be more discussion
about this at the annual meeting.

To communicate with the Board, do one of the following: 1) Send an Email to the member with the duty responsibility you are inquiring about, and he/she should reply within days. 2) Use the website blog to discuss issues and ask questions. 3) Email directly to the Board member with the duty responsibilities you have questions or comments about.

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